Sunday, February 20, 2011


I absolutely cannot get addicted to one more TV show... I will never leave my house! It seems every day something else draws me in and I'm hooked. I won't even lie.. I am a celeb gossip junkieeee! I can't help myself. Ever since I was a little girl, it has been a ritual to buy the gossip mags on Thursdays when they hit stores and spend all weekend reading about other people's lives. When I went to college, the ritual changed just a bit; mom buys mags on Thursday, reads them and mails them to me. Saving poor college girl about 30 bucks a week. My dad has always detested this habit, he would always say, "you don't even know these people." Yes, dad, I actually feel like they are my friends.

Lately my obsession has evolved into reality TV. I just can't help myself, it's my drug of choice. My absolute favorite obsession? The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I love love love this show. I want to be friends with all of them... except Camille, but that's a different story. And I fully plan on getting my own personal Giggy one day.

My strangest addiction? Tabatha's Salon Takeover. I have no clue why I love this show, seeing as it's about hair salons, but I just love it! I think it's because Tabatha is so fierce and tells it like it is. She's quite intimidating, but in an extremely sexy way.

Among my other fave watches? Holly's World, Real Housewives of Atlanta, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, House Hunters... listing all of these out makes me realize how bad my addiction is. You would think I never got anything done.

I have serious day dreams about my own reality TV show. I mean, I think I'm entertaining? Obviously I'm not famous and people have no reason to want to know me.... but still. It's my day dreams, I can do whatever I want in them.

Basically my TV constantly stays on BRAVO and E!, with the occasional jump to HGTV. Case in point, I'm currently watching the latest episode of Holly's World on E!. Oh, my life.

I also think this makes a great case for why I need TiVo or DVR or something to help with my addiction. Just a thought.

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