Thursday, April 2, 2009

I get by with a little help from my friends..

Everyone makes mistakes in life. Most people can only learn lessons the hard way. Friends and family and the people who are supposed to help you get up when you fall down, right? So why is it that it is so easy for us to kick people while they are down? I have a friend who once was walking on her merry little way when she saw someone with a cast on there foot and walking with crutches. My friend thought to herself, "Man, that must really stink!" Well sure enough the next day she fell and broke her leg and she too got a cute little cast. Karma is alive and well people. What are friends for these days? I've heard people say before that you find out who your true friends are when you need friends the most. This, shocking as it may be, is totally true. We all have so many friends that we call on for different occasions; coffee friend, lunch friend, shopping friend, friend thats not as cute as us so we take them out when we need to meet a guy, but the most important friends are the ones who will come get you off the floor and take you out and the ones who will simply come and get in the floor with you. I think we all need to give ourselves a reality check. No one is perfect, try as we may, it just aint gonna happen. So next time you see someone hurting, help them out, dont laugh at them because pretty soon, it could be you.

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