Friday, May 7, 2010

The burn says it's working

While being blond is fabulous, it also has its downside. To go along with my blond hair, I have extremely fair skin. Blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, call me albino. For years I struggled with self-tanners, spray tans, trying to go in the sun without being fried to a crisp, when I one day realized I should embrace my fairness. I am always overly careful about being prepared when I go out in the sun, nothing less than SPF 30. Well, sometimes things happen, and let's just say I got fried. So I have been walking about miserably for the past few days in pure agony over my poor fried skin. I have been slathering on the lotion every five minutes, and I can't even move without a jolt of pain running through my body. 

Well today I was sitting in Starbucks studying (also known as, people watching.) I over heard these very, very tan (fake) blondes talking about, what else, tanning. One of them proudly announced that she was a member at two tanning salons so that she could tan twice daily. The other one responded with, "You are a genius!" Um, not the word flashing through my mind. The tan addict then told her friend how yesterday she laid in the sun for hours while pouring baby oil on her skin to ensure that she got 3rd degree burn all over her body.  She said, "I am in so much pain from the sun burn it is ridiculous, but at least I will be tan."

Here I was in agony over my accidental sun burn when this smart girl was purposely burning her skin for a tan. My skin was burning just listening to her. I can't imagine why anyone would purposely burn themselves just so they can look like a beach bum Hello, self-tanner anyone?

I just don't understand why someone would basically ask for skin cancer and be a self-proclaimed tan addict, but who am I to judge. I have my vices, but tanning is not one of them. If I was in charge I would make every one wear sunscreen, but that's just me.

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